No matter your physical location, you have come to the right place for support in feeding your twins, triplets or more.
For families located in Southeastern Connecticut interested in a lactation consultation for your multiples, please visit this page:
In-Home Lactation Care for Multiples
For families located anywhere in the world interested in specialized Telehealth lactation care for multiples, please visit this page:
Virtual Lactation Care for Multiples
Telehealth Care for Lactation?
Is that even possible?
Let me tell you why…
As the mother of two sets of twins who faced numerous challenges with feeding, I always wished I had a lactation consultant who really “got it” - someone who had expertise in lactation but really understood the unique circumstances I faced while breastfeeding my twins.
That wish went unfulfilled, and I was often given suggestions and recommendations clearly best for someone feeding ONE baby. Years later after I became an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), I became determined to create a personalized, professional resource for multiples-specific clinical lactation care.
Since finding a local IBCLC specializing in multiples is difficult at best, I have focused my career on providing the highest quality and most effective virtual lactation care possible. I have spent years developing systems, screening tools and protocols for any and every challenge feeding multiples might present. This includes:
Assessing latch, milk transfer and positioning
Optimizing pumping practices specific to multiples (including flange fitting)
Identifying oral restrictions such as lip or tongue tie
Developing feeding plans to move away from “triple feeding” or supplementing with two or more babies
Insurance companies have recognized the many benefits Telehealth lactation care provides, and I am thankful to say the majority of my patients pay nothing (or very little) out-of-pocket for any of their sessions.
To request a virtual lactation session and verify insurance coverage, click here:
If you have questions or want to discuss virtual lactation care for your family, please feel free to contact me at lindsay@fullheartscollaborative.com.
Welcome fellow twin parents, I am so glad you are here!
A little bit about me…
I’m Lindsay Castiglione, mother of two sets of twins, IBCLC or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and owner of Full Hearts Collaborative, a multiples-focused Lactation private practice.
I am here to help you meet feeding goals for your twins, triplets (or more!) - no matter what they are. I provide judgement-free, inclusive lactation care for families of all shapes, sizes and origins.
If you have questions, concerns, please feel free to contact me below.