Breastfeeding Twins Online Class Information
Breastfeeding Twins for the Experienced Parent
60-90 Minute Virtual Session/Consultation | $99
Q: If I breastfed my first child and feel it went well - do I need a full Breastfeeding Twins class?
A: Most likely not - but we have created the perfect option just for you!
You may have solid experience behind you feeding a singleton, but providing your milk for twins seems like a whole different ball game.
You aren’t wrong!
Tandem positioning, double the milk supply, possible preterm birth, supplementing, etc. likely weren’t topics on at the forefront of your mind when nursing one baby. The good news is much of what you learned as a first- or second-time parent WILL transfer into this experience, which is exactly why a full Breastfeeding Twins class might not be the best fit for you.
I’ve designed an individualized, one-on-one session for parents just like you. Instead of a group online class format, we will meet virtually and discuss the unique circumstances you bring to this new feeding journey. We utilize your strengths and challenges from your past experience to create the perfect feeding plan for your family.
You will receive twin-specific strategies, step-by-step scenarios, evidence-based research, and vital information covering all you need to know about breastfeeding twins.
What are some of the topics our session will cover?
Brief Review of:
How our Bodies Make Milk
Typical Newborn Expectations - Hunger Cues, Feeding Volumes & Durations
How to Know Baby's Intake is Adequate
Troubleshooting Common Challenges – Low Supply, Painful Latch, etc.
Multiples—Specific Content:
The 1st Two Weeks - Day-by-Day Strategies to Establish Optimal Supply
Step-by-Step Tandem Feeding - Positions & Strategies
Pumping for Multiples - Best Pump Choices for Multiples, Durations & Routines
Exclusively Pumping for Multiples
Breastfeeding in the NICU - Preemies/Micro Preemies
How to Maintain/Increase Supply - Our “Supply Insurance” Process Explained
Paced Bottle Feeding - How and When to Start
Team Approach- Your Spouse's Important Role
SO much more!
Each family is provided with a breastfeeding twins resource guide PDF - including milk storage guidelines, cheat sheet on our proven milk supply "insurance" policy, sample schedules and more.
**You will receive a Class Info email with zoom link & printable PDF file 2-3 days before your session date.**
This virtual consultation qualifies as an eligible expense with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Learn more here - Easy steps to have your class covered by HSA/FSA funds
Upcoming Availabilty
As this is a 1-on-1 session, I am happy to schedule your session at a time most convenient for you. Follow steps to check out, and I will email you within 24 hours to schedule your session.
You can also reach out to me at lindsay@fullheartscollaborative.com if you’d rather discuss scheduling options first.
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