We recognize the need for supportive, personalized guidance as you prepare for your twins, triplets or more.
Online Group Class Details
2.5hrs | Virtual | $99
Taking a breastfeeding class before delivering your twins is a proven way to increase your chances of meeting your feeding goals. Lindsay Castiglione, IBCLC and mom to two sets of successfully breastfed twins, has helped hundreds of families get off to the best possible start in twin parenthood by taking her classes. In an engaging small group setting over zoom, Lindsay will share strategies, step-by-step scenarios, evidence-based research, and vital information covering all you need to know about breastfeeding twins. We cover the following topics:
How our Bodies Make Milk
The 1st Two Weeks - Day-by-Day Strategies to Establish Optimal Supply
Typical Newborn Expectations - Hunger Cues, Feeding Volumes & Durations
Step-by-Step Tandem Feeding
How others can help so the nursing parent gets a break
Best Breast Pumps for Multiples
Exclusively Pumping as an option
Breastfeeding in the NICU - Preemies/Micro Preemies
How to Maintain/Increase Supply - Our “Supply Insurance” Process Explained
Paced Bottle Feeding - How and When to Start
How to Know Baby's Intake is Adequate
Troubleshooting Common Challenges – Low Supply, Painful Latch, etc.
Working as a Team - Your Spouse's Important Role
SO much more!
Each family is provided with an invaluable breastfeeding twins resource guide - including milk storage guidelines, tips for tandem feeding positions, cheat sheet on our proven milk supply "insurance" policy, sample schedules and more.
What makes this twin feeding class different from any other breastfeeding class?
Breastfeeding multiples demands a unique level of flexibility and openness to all feeding options.
Most traditional lactation classes focus on feeding baby at the breast/chest and discourage alternate feeding options that are often necessary with multiples. This class focuses on all of the different ways your babies can receive the benefits of your milk such as combining latching with pumping, bottle feeding or combo feeding.
Class Registration
Unable to make one of the dates listed? Due soon and you’d rather not wait for an upcoming group class? Consider a Private Breastfeeding Class or a Prenatal Lactation Consultation instead:
A twin prenatal consultation covers all of the same educational content we cover in class but with many more benefits - and it’s usually covered by insurance! Additional benefits include a written individualized feeding plan, an online resource library curated for you based on your feeding goals and unique circumstances, and much more. Click on the link below for more details.
If you plan to provide your milk in ANY way ((even if you plan to combo feed, pump and bottle feed, etc.) a 1-on-1 prenatal consultations is often fully covered by insurance through the Lactation Network. I am also an in-network provider with all Aetna plans.
Plans accepted through The Lactation Network include:
Click HERE if you have Aetna Insurance to find out more!
Click HERE to check your insurance coverage for virtual lactation care through Lactation Network
Expecting Twins Online Class
Are you looking for a prenatal class for twins that covers all the vital topics such as sleep & scheduling, bathing, babyproofing, product must-haves, twin delivery & postpartum recovery? Our Expecting Twins class covers all of this and SO much more, and we’ve created it just for you! Taught by 2-time twin mom and Full Hearts Collaborative owner Lindsay Castiglione, this class has you covered!
Click here for more information on our online Expecting Twins class!